Library Hours for 2024 Summer Break
<臺北校區/Taipei Campus>
週一至週五 /Mon.-Fri. | 週六至週日 /Sat.-Sun. | 備註/Remark | |
圖書館(不含2樓自修室) / Library, except Study Hall(2F) |
8:30-16:30 | 閉館Closed |
為節約能源故,長假期間本館6樓僅開放取書用(書庫內取書時會自動亮燈),其他區域則減少開燈數量,有閱覽需求的讀者請至其他樓層(1,3-5樓)使用 During winter vacation, the 6th floor of the library is only for book borrowing, and finding. The seats are not available. |
六藝樓S311自修室 S311 Study Hall |
8:00-23:00 | 8:00-23:00 |
在校生於開放時間內可自行刷學生證進入 During the opening hours, students can enter by swiping their student ID cards. |
校史館、圖書館2樓自修室 University Archives,Study Hall(Library 2F) |
閉館Closed | 閉館Closed |
為節約能源故閉館,有參觀校史館之需求者,請於三天前填寫申請表交予本館一樓櫃台申請。 If there is a need to visit the University Archives on the closing day, please fill out the application form three days in advance and submit it to the counter on the first floor of the library. |
<桃園校區 /Taoyuan Campus>
週一 至 週五 / Mon.-Fri. |
週六 至 週日 / Sat.-Sun. |
備註/Remark | |
圖書館 Library |
8:30 - 16:30 |
閉館 Closed ※6/28(五)、9/6(五) |
※6/28(五)、9/6(五) 圖書館正常開館(08:30-16:30)。 The library will open on Friday, Jun. 28, and Sep. 6, (08:30-16:30). |
館外自學室 |
閉館 Closed | 閉館 Closed |
●注意事項● (Notice)
For readers to go through the procedures for borrowing and returning, please check the account on the computer screen. Afterwards, the personal borrowing status will be subject to the computer records.
Late return of books will be charged NTD$5 overdue fines for each item per day(working day), please return the book on time.
Please make good use of the book return box during library closing.